15 HYPO-Aphorisms

Inspired by
Hyposubjects. On becoming human. Timothy Morton & Dominic Boyer. Open Humanities Press. 2021.

Hyposubjects are the native species of the Anthropocene and only just now beginning to discover what they may be and become. (copy)

Hyposubjects are cosmologists rather than ideologists. They are here to defend the universe. They recognize themselves as terrestrials - rather than humans - equal to all other living entities. (added)

Hyposubjects are nothing in themselves. Their interconnectedness with something else is inextricable. They acknowledge that the interconnectedness of the universe exceeds their capacity to understand. (added)

Hyposubjects are not-yet, not either-or, neither here nor there, less than the sum of their parts interconnectedness. They are, in other words, subscendent rather than transcendent. (slightly modified)

Hyposubjects evolve to create meaning, which itself belongs to the creation of meaning, by courageously expressing their interconnectedness with the universe (added)

Hyposubjects evolve to promote being, which itself belongs to the promotion of being, by courageously living out their interconnectedness with the universe (added)

Hyposubjects experience time through a human-ecosystem prism rather than a techno-economic imperative. They experience interconnectedness through a sense of circular spatiotemporal ambiguity that animates them to slow down. Time is on their side. (added)

Hyposubjects prosper from hopes of long-termism through the expression of unconditional love. They don't love a quality - due to its difference from all others - but the essential quality of interconnectedness itself. (added)

Hyposubjects prosper from hopes of long-termism through the expression of unconditional virtues. They don't apply virtues - to be better than others - but to enjoy the essential quality of being virtuous. (added)

Hyposubjects prosper from hopes of long-termism through the expression of unconditional art. They don't promote their art - to be published or gain reputation - but to inspire vulnerability and belonging. (added)

Hyposubjects most intensely experience the qualities of beauty that subscend their hyper-inherited dependence on control and function when something is missing, breaks or gets in the way. (added)

Hyposubjects are squatters and bricoleuses. They inhabit the cracks and hollows. They turn things inside out and work with scraps and remains. They unplug from carbon gridlife and hack and redistribute its stored energies for their purposes. (copy)

Hyposubjects do not recognize the rule of androleukoheteropetromodernity and the apex species entitlement it epitomizes and reinforces. (slightly modified)

Hyposubjects do not pursue or pretend to have absolute knowledge and language, let alone power. Instead, they play, adapt, hurt, and laugh. (copy)

Hyposubjects make revolutions where technomodern radar can't glimpse them. They patiently ignore expert advice that they don't or can't exist. They are skeptical of efforts to summarise them, including all of the above. (slightly modified)


Language as a HYPO-sense